Windows Multi Desktop

It’s a work segregation option. Suppose, you do many things at once like listening to music, browsing websites, and even software development. You can click Task View Icon in the Windows Toolbar. TaskView. Once you click on this icon, or you click Windows Key + Tab, you will see a new desktop link on the right side of the screen. Click that to create a new desktop.NewDesktop

Once on the new desktop, open a browser say Chrome. Click the Task View icon again, come to Desktop 1 and click on other application, say Media Player. Now, you can have both applications running on separate desktops. Pressing Alt + Tab will show you all the applications to switch over like a single desktop. To create a new desktop, you can use Windows Key + Ctrl + D also.

You can move an application from one desktop to another. Click the Task View icon, right click on the application visible, click on Move To –> and select your desktop.

If you re-start  the PC now, desktops remain but the applications on them are closed.

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